

Conferences, Participations

GRC at the Brookings Doha Energy Forum 2012 in Doha, Qatar

GRC at the Brookings Doha Energy Forum 2012 in Doha, Qatar Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of GRC, attended the Brookings Doha Energy Forum 2012 in Doha, Qatar from February 20-21, 2012. The theme of the conference was “At the Energy Fault-Line: What Shifts in Global Economics and Local Politics mean for Middle East Suppliers and their customers.”

Conferences, Participations

Gulf Research Center Participated in two day symposium held in Riyadh entitled

Gulf Research Center Participated in two day symposium held in Riyadh entitled: The New Changes in the Arab world Dr. Abdulaziz Sager participated in the two day symposium being organized jointly by the Riyadh-based King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) and Carnegie Endowment For International Peace held in Riyadh on 9-10th January titled The New Changes in the Arab world and chaired a session titled The U.S and the New Changes in the Arab World with Ms. Jessica Mathews,President and Dr. Thomas Carothers ,Vice President and Dr.Marwan Muasher, Vice President for Studies and Director (Middle East Program) from Carnegie.

Conferences, Participations

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, and Dr. Abdullah Baabood, Director of the Gulf Research Center Cambridge held a meeting with Patricia Llombart-Cussac

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, and Dr. Abdullah Baabood, Director of the Gulf Research Center Cambridge held a meeting with Patricia Llombart-Cussac, Head of the Division for the Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq at the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Guiseppi Busini, Desk Officer for the GCC and Gulf Countries at the EEAS in Brussels on Tuesday. They discussed many of the current issues in the relations between the GCC and the EU including the situation in Yemen. They also focused on the Joint Action Programme and way that aspects of the program can be implemented with the assistance of the GRC. A further point was the holding of a GCC-EU Economic Conference to be held next year in Brussels in correspondence with the annual Joint Ministerial Meeting of the EU and the GCC.

Conferences, Participations

Crown-Belfer Middle East Project Lunch Seminar on Developments in the Gulf

Crown-Belfer Middle East Project Lunch Seminar on Developments in the Gulf. GRC Chairman Abdulaziz Sager spoke in the framework of the Crown-Belfer Middle East Project at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University on the recent political development in the Middle East and its impact specifically on the Gulf region. He covered the issues of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Bahrain and outlined the Saudi and GCC positions on this front. He clearly stated that the Gulf is not immune from the political change impacting the region and ruling families need to understand the challenges posed to them. For now, ruling families retain their legitimacy and their favorable economic positions have allowed the rulers to react quickly. In the end, however, economic handouts will not silence political demands and one result will likely be an increase in the number of petitions presented by sections of the population to the governments. Dr. Sager further focused on regional challenges including the Iranian nuclear program, the unfinished business in Iraq and the implications of a possible US veto at the UN on the Palestinian statehood resolution. He pointed out the deep disappointment in the region concerning US policy, having left many issues unfinished and not following through on their own principles and policies. On Iran, the GCC states will not live in the shadow of an Iranian nuclear program, neither will a US defense umbrella be sufficient. Overall, he argued that the US insurance policy for the Gulf states is not running out of credibility. Moreover, the US will have to deal with different governments in the region with public opinion and democratic government changing the equation from relations as they have existed in the past.

Conferences, Participations

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager and GRC Foundation Director Dr. Christian Koch held a series of meeting with staff members of Research Triangle International (RTI) located in North Carolina

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager and GRC Foundation Director Dr. Christian Koch held a series of meeting with staff members of Research Triangle International (RTI) located in North Carolina. RTI is one of the world’s leading research institutes operating on an independent, nonprofit basis to provide research, development, and technical services in the applied sciences to government and commercial clients worldwide. They are picture here (from the left) with James J. Gibson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Victoria Franchetti Haynes, President and CEO; and Dr. Wayne Holden, Executive Vice President for Social, Statistical, and Environmental Sciences. During the visit to RTI, Dr. Sager and Dr. Koch held talks with the different business units of the company to further explore potential areas of cooperation in the fields of science and technology. The GRC and RTI already have a memorandum of understanding to support their joint work.

Conferences, Participations

The Gulf Research Center and the Middle East Institute held a public event in Washington DC on Friday on the subject of “A View from the Gulf: A Discussion of Gulf Politics and Security.”

The Gulf Research Center and the Middle East Institute held a public event in Washington DC on Friday on the subject of “A View from the Gulf: A Discussion of Gulf Politics and Security.” GRC Chairman Abdulaziz Sager focused on the domestic issues in the region arguing that the Gulf region is not immune from the chances taking place throughout the Middle East and advocating a continued reform process. Dr. Mustafa Alani, GRC Senior Advisor and head of the Security and Defense Program highlighted the main regional issues of Iran, Iraq and Yemen. He made the case that each of these countries present the GCC states with particular dilemmas which has increased the GCC’s sense of insecurity. Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, took a broader international angle seeing the Arab Gulf states deeply imbedded in the process of globalization but facing the dilemma between the US as security guarantor for the region and no other viable alternatives. The event was attended by about 100 person from the academic and think tank community in the Washington area. Amb. David Mack of the Middle East Institute moderated the session.

Conferences, Participations

The Gulf Research Center and the Middle East Institute held a public event in Washington DC on Friday

The Gulf Research Center and the Middle East Institute held a public event in Washington DC on Friday on the subject of “A View from the Gulf: A Discussion of Gulf Politics and Security.” GRC Chairman Abdulaziz Sager focused on the domestic issues in the region arguing that the Gulf region is not immune from the chances taking place throughout the Middle East and advocating a continued reform process. Dr. Mustafa Alani, GRC Senior Advisor and head of the Security and Defense Program highlighted the main regional issues of Iran, Iraq and Yemen. He made the case that each of these countries present the GCC states with particular dilemmas which has increased the GCC’s sense of insecurity. Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, took a broader international angle seeing the Arab Gulf states deeply imbedded in the process of globalization but facing the dilemma between the US as security guarantor for the region and no other viable alternatives. The event was attended by about 100 person from the academic and think tank community in the Washington area. Amb. David Mack of the Middle East Institute moderated the session.

Meetings, Participations

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager held a meeting with Dr. Fred Bergsten, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington

GRC Chairman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager held a meeting with Dr. Fred Bergsten, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. Also present at the meeting were Dr. Mustafa Alani and Dr. Christian Koch of the GRC and Dr. Marcus Noland of the Peterson Institute. The two sides discussed recent economic development in the region in addition to focusing on cooperative efforts between the two institutions. The Peterson Institute is already engaged in several studies about the GCC countries.

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